Choosing The Right Shingle Color For Your New Roof

For most homeowners, picking out a shingle color for a new roof doesn't often seem like a major topic. It is normal to find yourself focusing more on other factors such as roof design, insulation, shingle type and how to generally keeping total installation costs down.

However, it is extremely important that you give ample thought to shingle color if you are to avoid a bad case of buyer's remorse once your new roof is installed. Read on for a guide on what to consider before placing your final shingle order with a roofer like

Curb appeal

If you opt for a light-colored shingle, you run the risk of having a roof that stains easily and showcases dirt, moss and other debris for all to see. Think about where your house is located. If you have a grove of trees with overhanging branches on your yard, chances are that they will deposit bark, sap and leaves that could stain your roof quickly.

Going for darker-colored shingles can help hide the dinginess, ensuring that the roof retrains it's curb appeal until you can call in a roofer to scrub and repaint the shingles. You should also trim overhanging branches regularly to help keep your roof clean and prevent shingle and gutter damage.

Another thing to look at is how the new shingle color complements your existing siding. Choosing a shingle color which clashes with your siding could have neighbors and potential buyers repelled by your eyesore of a home. Holding up sample shingles against your siding and checking how the colors compare can help you pick a good match.

If your home has siding of an expressive shade, it might be wise to go for a neutral shingle color to avoid making your home excessively highlighted.

Energy efficiency

The shingle color you choose can have a significant impact on the energy efficiency of your home.

Dark-colored shingles will typically absorb more heat, which can be advantageous if your home is located in an area with colder climates for most of the year. The retained heat will raise temperatures in the attic, helping to keep your home warm during the cold seasons. Increased heat absorption in the shingles also helps thaw built-up snow on your roof, reducing the load on your roof structure.

On the other hand, dark-colored shingles can raise indoor temperatures in areas with hotter climates, causing air conditioning costs to go up. In such regions, lighter-colored shingles may be a better option, as they can deflect most of the sun's heat away from your roof.
